Though Prud'homme's school has unfortunately closed. Busing from your front door is offered to two neighboring communities.
Preference of the school depends on preference of language spoken.
In French?
The Conseil des écoles fransaskoises (CÉF) school in Vonda, Saskatchewan.
It serves Francophone families from Vonda, Prud'homme, St-Denis and Aberdeen that seek quality Francophone education for their children from Pre-K to Grade 12. The French first language education offered at École Providence is delivered by teachers who are inspired by best practices in use across Canada.
And it all starts with our free pre-kindergarten program.
They will develop their Francophone identity through enhanced, tailored programming. You will discover a world of learning opportunities for your children and possibly yourself. École Providence's qualified teachers and educators all contribute to students' success and the school's in delivering exceptional educational services, with the support the local Francophone community.
Contact: 306-258-2181
In English?
A Prairie School Division School in Aberdeen, Saskatchewan
A K-12 School with approximately 340 students and 30 staff members. The catchment area is the town, farming and acreage communities adjoining Aberdeen, Vonda, Prud’homme and Smutz.
The learning focus involves the creation of 21st century learners who are self-directed, work both independently and interdependently and employ critical thinking and problem solving skills. Aberdeen School is a hub for many activities. There is a vibrant sports program and offer numerous extra-curricular activities such as X-country, volleyball, football, basketball, badminton, canoe and outdoor education and track and field throughout the different seasons. There is also a band program for students in grades 5-12, drama, choir, and social justice clubs.
Contact: 306-253-4333